Trademark Registration Online in Bangalore

Trademark Registration Process Online in Bangalore

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Trademark registration is one of the most important things that you can do for your business. It gives you the legal right to use your trademark and protects your brand name from getting diluted by similar or competing businesses. Moreover, a registered trademark can be easily identified by customers and helps to build trust. So, if you are planning to start a business or have already established your business then it is high time that you get your trademark registered.

The process of trademark registration Consultant online in Bangalore starts with conducting a search on the trademark database to see whether the proposed mark is already in use or has been filed for. It is advisable to seek the services of a licensed trademark attorney for conducting this search. However, if you do not wish to hire a trademark attorney then you can also perform the search on your own. You can visit the official website of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks to do so.

Once the search has been completed, your application will be filed with the registrar of trademarks. The registrar will run a check over your forms and documents to ensure that they are complete and correct. If all is well then your application will be published in the trademark journal and registered in the database. You will then be given a registration certificate which must be renewed every 10 years.

If you have any issues or complaints regarding your trademark  Registrar then you can file a petition for cancellation or rectification of the mark with the high court based on the jurisdiction of the registry in which the mark is registered.




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