One Person Company (OPC) Registration in Vadapalani - Filingpoint

Welcome to Filingpoint One Person Company Registration Expert +91 72999 72500

Filingpoint One Person Company is a new form of business entity introduced under the Companies Act, 2013 that extends limited liability to a sole proprietorship. It allows a single director and shareholder who can also act as the company's only employee. It's similar to a private limited company in all respects but with fewer compliances.

To set up an OPC, you must first obtain a DIN and DSC for the proposed director, along with a name approval from RoC. Next, you must draft and file a Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association. Then, you must pay the requisite government fees and stamp duty to complete the registration process.

Once your OPC is registered, you can start conducting business activities in India. Afterward, you must file annual returns and income tax statements. If you fail to comply with the necessary regulations, you may face heavy fines and penalties.

One Person Company Registration in Vadapalani can be complex, but the process can be simplified with the help of a professional service provider like Kanakkupillai. A specialist can handle the paperwork, offer advice on best practices, and ensure that all legal requirements are met. In addition, they can help you to select a meaningful name and avoid words that sound similar to existing brands or trademarks. Finally, they can provide attestation for document authenticity and help you to obtain a PAN number and TAN. This will allow you to start your OPC with confidence and protect it from possible violations in the future.

Contact Filingpoint One Person Company Registration Expert +91 72999 72500



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