Trademark Registration in Nungambakkam - Filingpoint

Welcome to Filingpoint Chartered Accountant for Trademark Registration Expert +91 72999 72500

Filingpoint   Trademark registration is an exclusive and incontestable right to protect your brand name, logo, symbol, slogan, words or any other mark used by you or a third party. It helps in creating a distinctive identity for your business and building loyalty and trust among customers. Trademarks are legally protected at national and international levels. The law protects your products or services from being copied or misused by third parties and ensures that you have exclusive nationwide ownership of the trademark.

Once the application has passed examination, it is published in the trademark journal for a specified period of time. Anyone with a concern that their trademark might be violated can file an opposition to the registration within four months of publication. This ensures transparency in the system and equitable protection of existing registered trademarks, thereby contributing to a robust intellectual property ecosystem.

Drafting responses to objections is an important part of the registration process. Providing thorough answers to the objections can greatly increase your chances of successful registration. This entails providing strong legal arguments and proof of distinctiveness, along with supporting documentation.

After considering all the evidence submitted by you and the third party, the hearing officer will decide whether to accept or reject your trademark application. Once your trademark is accepted, you will receive a manuscript and a certificate of registration. Once your trademark is registered, you can display the (R) symbol on your goods or services.

Contact Filingpoint Trademark Registration in Nungambakkam +91 72999 72500



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